SOL PRO: High accuracy profiling, when and how often?

As part of the production of your 3D scanner, a highly advanced calibration robot executes part one of a special calibration process on every single SOL PRO 3D scanner.

Part two is performed by the user utilizing a unique cylindrical target that enables the scanner to scan with an exceptionally high accuracy of up to 0.05 mm. The short process is an automated part of the included software.



When and how often should you update your high accuracy profile?

Always redo your high accuracy profiling:

  • Whenever you relocate the scanner
  • If the scanner has been exposed to vibration or moved
  • If the temperature in the room has changed more than 10° C (18° F) since the last high accuracy profiling
  • If you need to be absolutely sure that your SOL PRO 3D scanner is ready to scan with 0.05 mm accuracy

Redo the high accuracy profiling every two weeks:

  • If the scanner remains in the same spot and the stand have not been shifted between near or far position too often

Tip: A successful 3D scanning requires the scanner to be completely still while operating. In order not to expose the scanner to vibrations from your other work tasks, you should place it on a separate table.


What happens if I do not update the high accuracy profile?

In an optimal setting where the scanner is not moved, shook, or relocated, and the room temperature stays the same, then, in theory, the scanner would continuously perform with a 0.05 mm accuracy with no high accuracy profiling update needed.

However, an optimal setting is hardly obtainable.

So make sure that you update the high accuracy profiling according to the above guidelines to keep your scanner’s performance at 0.05 mm in high accuracy mode.