What software is included?

SOL and SOL PRO scanners includes customized software.

Download SOL software

Download SOL PRO software

SOL Creator and SOL PRO Creator

This software handles all of the heavy lifting for you. It will calibrate the scanner, prompt you to place your object, perform a scan pass, capture the images and point cloud for a pass, and then give you a choice to add an additional pass and finalizing your scan.

Once you finalize a scan, it will perform the alignment of the various point clouds and create a water-proof mesh.

SOL Viewer and SOL PRO Viewer

You can then view the 3D model in the SOL Viewer and export it in a variety of formats for any additional editing.

Your first scan?

Please visit our Quick Start Guide when scanning for the first time:

SOL Quick Start Guide

SOL PRO Quick Start Guide